Restful sleep is important to lose weight in summer: Know why?

Restful sleep is important to lose weight in summer: Know why?


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Experts say that lack of sleep can hinder the speed of weight loss, incomplete sleep and tiredness of the body lead to weight gain.

Are you preparing your body to lose a few kilos during summer? If your answer is yes, then this health report may be beneficial for you.

Experts say that gaining weight is unpredictable, while losing weight takes a lot of hard work and millions of people are involved in this journey.

Summer is considered the best season for weight loss, during which people who want to lose weight prepare themselves mentally to stay active and work hard more than ever before.

Apart from diet and exercise routine, there are many other factors that contribute to weight gain and/or loss, say medical experts.

One of these factors is sleep, proper sleep is essential for your mental and physical health while poor sleep contributes to belly fat and weight gain along with stress.

Medical experts say that lack of sleep can slow down your weight loss and make you gain a few kilos.

Medical and nutritionist Nami Agarwal says that your sleep may be to blame for not losing weight despite hard work, exercise and a better diet.

According to Nami Agarwal, lack of sleep affects your body weight in 3 ways.

Stubborn fat storage:

According to nutritionist Nami Agarwal, when you’re deprived of restful, restful sleep, your body begins to store fat for energy instead of burning it, resulting in you burning fewer calories in a day.

Cortisol (stress hormone) Increased levels of:

Lack of sleep can increase the level of cortisol (stress hormone) in the body, high cortisol levels can hinder weight loss efforts, it can lead you to consume more calories than necessary.

Impaired metabolism:

Metabolism is the rate at which your body burns calories.

A healthy (fast) metabolism means better weight loss.

Lack of sleep can slow down your metabolic rate and make it harder for you to lose weight.

Therefore, making sleep a priority during your weight loss journey is crucial.


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