In 2024, nearly a thousand medical intern students will be missing

In 2024, nearly a thousand medical intern students will be missing


“We will be around a thousand fewer interns” compared to the approximately 9,500 interns of the previous promotion, indicates Professor Benoît Veber, president of the Conference of Deans of Medical Faculties. The reason for this dropout? The entry into force of a new boarding school competition for the class of 2024, introducing for the first time an oral test, the Ecos, which will take place in May.

A small part of the class of 2024 has decided to repeat their fifth year of medicine, so as not to suffer the cast of a crucial competition for students – it is their ranking which determines the specialty chosen. “The repetition rate in fifth year was 7%, compared to 3%” usually, according to Dean Veber.

In addition to these approximately 660 students who preferred to postpone the competition by one year, there are approximately 240 students eliminated in the written phase of the competition, which, for the first time, introduced a principle of eliminatory marks.

Risk of leaking during the competition

This gap has worried some elected officials, given the importance of interns in the operation of the hospital and the shortage of current caregivers. But for Benoît Veber, the consequences for hospitals will be limited. “The following year, we will have a high wave,” he explains. Furthermore, with the internship lasting at least four years, there will be the possibility for hospitals to “smooth out” the accident of 2024 a little, he explains.

However, the new competition may not have finished making headlines. The new test, oral, on May 28 and 29, is the subject of numerous criticisms, in particular on the risk of subjects leaking among the more than 8,000 students who will take the exam throughout France. All this while Gabriel Attal announced a few days ago that he wanted to increase the number of second-year medical students to 16,000 in 2027.

But several unions and university officials express their doubts about the State’s capacity to mobilize the necessary means to reach this new level. “We are very suspicious because training capacities are limited today,” Jérémy Darenne, president of the National Association of Medical Students (Anemf), explains to AFP.


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