How to keep “special days” from interrupting your weight management plan?

How to keep “special days” from interrupting your weight management plan?

For many people, weight management is part of daily life and requires lifelong commitment. But it is undeniable that this is easier said than done. There are full-moon drinks for birth, parties for birthdays, banquets for further studies, and wedding banquets for marriages, not to mention various festivals and daily gatherings with family and friends. When can you leave for eating and drinking?

Faced with abundant food temptations and a relatively irregular schedule, will your originally stable weight management plan be frequently disturbed? Are you always worried that all your efforts will be in vain? Instead of frowning every time, it is better to master some practical skills and take the initiative, so that we can fully enjoy the joy of reunion during these “special” days without sabotaging our own weight management plan. Isn’t it beautiful?

Here are some practical tips to help keep your weight management plan free of “special” days.

1. Plan ahead and set small portions

When it comes to your upcoming “special” days, planning ahead is key. Anticipate food temptations you may encounter and proactively think of coping strategies. You can decide in advance which foods you will try and set portion limits to gain satisfaction from small portions and avoid uncontrolled eating.

2. Eat high-protein and high-fiber foods in advance to increase satiety

Be flexible in maintaining your daily healthy habits, and try to find time slots for short and effective exercises, such as brisk walking, jumping jacks, or climbing stairs, to maintain your physical activity level. Choose relatively healthy dishes, or eat foods rich in protein and fiber in advance to increase satiety and reduce subsequent cravings for high-calorie foods.

3. Learn to say no and say “no” bravely

On special occasions, learn to politely but firmly decline food invitations that don’t meet your health goals. You can inform friends or family in advance about your eating plan to gain their understanding and support.

4. “Game time”, smart strategy

Turn eating into a game. You can set a “tasting challenge” where you only take a small bite of each dish, then close your eyes, savor it, and guess what ingredients are in it. Eating with curiosity in this way is not only fun but also effective in controlling food intake. Why not?

5. Change the goal and enjoy the communication process of having dinner with relatives and friends

Focus on non-food fun. Many times, the magic of a special day isn’t just about the food. Try shifting your focus more to connecting with friends and family, having fun with activities, or experiencing new things. Not only will this reduce the focus on food, but it will also make these days more colorful.

6. Dressing up carefully and being confident will enhance your self-control.

On special days when there are dinner parties and other activities, you might as well give yourself a “gorgeous transformation” as the biggest reward for weight management. Wear something that makes you feel confident, put on great makeup and tell yourself “I look great”! Such psychological cues will make you pay more attention to your behavior, including dietary choices. When you are dressed up so beautifully, of course you will cherish this beauty more and not want it to be destroyed by excessive food.

7. Adjust flexibly and face it positively

If you occasionally make a “mistake” and deviate from the plan, don’t rush to deny yourself or fall into excessive self-blame, and don’t give up because of it. It is necessary to adjust your mentality in time and get back on track quickly.

Remember, weight management is a long-term process, and occasional deviations will not determine the overall situation.

Text/Zhang Rui (Department of Clinical Nutrition, Beijing Luhe Hospital Affiliated to Medical University)

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