What is a hysterectomy, when is the removal of the uterus necessary and what are the hospital stays? – WWN
Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales, may have undergone this procedure, which may be necessary for multiple ailments, including fibroids or excessive bleeding. Hospitalization times depend on many personal factors
L’hysterectomy a surgical operation that consists ofremoval of the uterus.
Kate and the hysterectomy hypothesis
We are talking about this intervention in relation to hospital of the Princess of Wales,
Kate Middletonof which it was announced on Wednesday 17 January that she had undergone abdominal surgery the day before, Tuesday 16, in a private hospital in London, on
London Clinic
. Although the British royal house has not specified the type of operation the princess has undergone, which she has 42 years olda BBC source confirmed to Courier That this is not a cancer problembut still a serious problem.
The duration of hospital stay (expected 10-14 days) leaves room for some hypotheses. The most cited by English newspapers precisely that of a hysterectomy, the reasons for which would remain unknown.
When is it necessary?
Which ones are they the cases in which it is necessary a hysterectomy? The premise that, if there is a choice, is carried out on women in menopause or who no longer intend to have children (Kate Middleton mother of three children).
– Among the possible causes we have already mentioned the Uterine cancer and cervical cancerwhich are the two malignant tumors which affect the site of the uterus and may make surgery necessary. However, the British Royal Household has ruled out that the cause of Kate’s hospitalization is linked to a form of cancer.
– Then there are the pre-cancerous lesions of the uterus: sometimes following a Pap test (or HPV) changes in the cells of the cervix are identified before they transform into cancer. Most regress on their own over time in women under 30, but in some cases they could lead to hysterectomy.
– The most frequent indication for uterine removal surgery is currently menometrorrhagia (heavy bleeding during menstruation or between periods) that does not respond to medical therapies or conservative surgery.
– Then there are the fibroids: statistically they are very common (affecting 2 out of 10 women), they are benign tumors of the uterus which however can assume considerable size (and number), causing vaginal bleeding (and possible anemia) and pain.
-Severe forms of endometriosiswhich involves the growth of the endometrial glands outside the uterine cavity, a source of inflammation and chronic pain and the adenomyosis (also known as internal endometriosis).
– There are also the chronic pelvic pain and the uterine prolapseall associated with complications and failure to respond to alternative therapies.
How is the operation carried out?
The operation itself can be carried out abdominally (therefore with incision of the abdomen), laparoscopic (with minimally invasive surgical technique) or via vaginal. Currently the majority of hysterectomies are performed laparoscopically with short hospital stays. The only current indication for laparotomy surgery, that is, with the opening of the abdominal wall, in the open, is the presence of fibromatous uteri very large whose dimensions occupy a large part of the abdominal cavity, clarifies al Courier
Nicola Colacurciformer Full Professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics at the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli.
What are the hospitalization and recovery times?
What can they be? hospitalization times? Even laparotomy operations still require hospitalization, in uncomplicated cases, no longer than 4-5 days – replies Colacurci -. An expected hospital stay of 10-14 days (
like the one proposed in the case of Princess Kate, ed
) poorly adapts to hypotheses of planned interventions (
as it would have been for Kate, ed
) if they do not require presurgical therapies, as in the case of severe anemia you hate sepsis
Hysterectomy without removal of the ovaries does not bring the woman into menopause, but only to the loss of menstrual flow. Menopause, on the other hand, would be the consequence of the simultaneous removal of both ovaries, concludes the expert.
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January 18, 2024 (modified January 18, 2024 | 12:36)