Spain: woman gives birth to her child using her mother’s uterus

Spain: woman gives birth to her child using her mother’s uterus

On January 2, little Manuel was born in a hospital in Barcelona. The infant, in perfect health, came out of the womb of his mother, Mayra, but via the uterus… of his grandmother. Mayra, born without a uterus, in fact received that of her own mother to be able to give birth to her son, according to the Spanish media Radio Catalunyawhich tells this story.

Suffering from Rokitansky syndrome, a rare congenital disease that affects one in 4,500 women and causes them to be born without a uterus, Mayra convinced her mother to undergo this extremely delicate medical operation. After a dozen hours, the mother’s uterus was removed and, after another four hours, implanted into the girl’s body. The operation was performed using a surgical robot.

Once the uterus was implanted, Mayra received six embryos through in vitro fertilization and became pregnant. “Before Manuel was born, I spoke to him and told him: I was in there too, everything will be fine », Confided the young woman to Radio Catalunya.

This is the second time in Spain that a mother has given birth thanks to a uterus transplant, but according to our colleagues, it is the first time that a Spanish woman has given birth after having had her uterus transplanted. his own mother.

In France the first transplant of this type was carried out in 2019. Déborah had received her mother’s uterus, following an operation carried out at the Foch hospital in Suresnes (Hauts-de-Seine). Two years later, she gave birth to her child. Since then, two other French women, suffering from the same syndrome, have been able to give birth to their child, thanks to a transplant of the uterus of their sisters performed in the same hospital.

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