How to understand if a website that deals with health topics is reliable? – WWN

It would be better to avoid the «Dr. Google”. However, if you are looking for health information online, there are indications that allow you to understand whether a site can be considered reliable

To find information about my diabetes 2 treated with insulin, I often go online, even if you advise against it. I recently found a site called diabetesdialogando: it provides a lot of useful and clear information. Can I trust it, or is it better to avoid “Doctor Google”?

He replies Stefano Parini Internist doctor, AUSL Ferrara, Association of Diabetologists, AMD (GO TO THE DIABETES FORUM)

Today c
Searching for health data is the third most frequent activity on the internet. For “insiders” the consultation of authoritative databases and the reading of articles according to the Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) are essential to understand the value of information for the patient, which is not possible for everyone.
Here then some suggestions for understanding the reliability of news from the web:

identifiability of the writing doctorhis professional profile, the Scientific Society on whose behalf he speaks, (obviously consistent with the topic covered)
date of publication of the text: in the healthcare sector, a few years can make even important studies dated;

balance and prudence with which the news is presented, without sensationalismalways clarifying that what is reported will be evaluated by the treating doctor or specialist to understand if it is right for you;

references to Institutional Bodies such as the Ministry of Health, the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, AIFA (Italian Medicines Agency), EMA (European Medicines Agency), Scientific Societies, Patient Associations, etc.

Then be wary of news That:
they propose “harmless” solutions, simple and natural”, suitable for multiple situations, without side effects;
they aim to sell a product;
– I am supported by companies that trade for various reasons nthe world of health;
they express anger towards traditional Western Medicine And propose “alternative” figures as references” thus delegitimizing the work of the attending physician and the specialist, or fantasizing about possible conspiracy theories.

You then need to be rigorous with yourself, avoiding Of:
– navigate to confirm our beliefs, fears, preconceptions;
– to risk dangerous diagnoses and therapies, often already complicated for a professional who has dedicated over 10 years of university studies, and who is required to keep up to date; let alone for a non-expert!

The Trusted doctor always remains the best reference to evaluate your health status and understand what to do!
In the end, “iDIAbeLOGANDO” is on the portal of our AMD Association: it offers reliable, useful and easily understandable information without the presumption of wanting to replace the educational activity of the Diabetologist.
Consult it calmly and with confidence!

November 1, 2023 (changed November 1, 2023 | 07:36)

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