Dengue, what are the symptoms of the disease
The case of the Dengue outbreak in Fano has brought to general attention a disease about which there have been repeated warnings from experts in recent months. Here are the symptoms of the disease.
Contagion and incubation
The incubation period ranges from 3 to 14 days (4-7 days average period). The infection can be without symptoms in more than 50% of cases or characterized by a moderate febrile illness, up to, in approximately 5% of symptomatic cases, the more serious forms of Dengue hemorrhagic fever and Dengue shock syndrome .
How is it different from the flu
The classic form manifests itself with flu-like but stronger symptoms: fever up to 40°C with chills, headache and sweating. At the onset there may be myalgia, lumbago, leg and joint pain; pain around and behind the eyes, swollen lymph nodes; nausea and vomiting.
SPECIAL Dengue in Italy, the map of the virus
Fever and other symptoms
Fever can continue for 48-96 hours, followed by a day without. At a second rise in temperature, skin irritation occurs on most of the body. There may also be gastrointestinal disorders and respiratory symptoms.
Hemorrhagic fever
If the first infection can be asymptomatic, a second one (of the same or different serotype) can evolve into hemorrhagic fever in 10-15 percent of cases.
Even more so if these symptoms occur upon returning from a trip from an epidemic or endemic area, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible.
The virus remains in those who are infected until symptoms appear. There is no specific treatment, in most cases recovery takes place in two weeks. Supportive care consists of absolute rest, use of drugs to reduce fever and administration of fluids against dehydration.